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Books for Friends and Families

For those who have friends or family members who suffer from alcoholism or addiction, the books listed on these pages have been a source of benefit and comfort. They include Al-Anon Family Groups conference approved literature and other writers.

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How Al-Anon Works

How Al-Anon Works for the Families & Friends of Alcoholics is conference approved literature published by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.

Al-Anon's basic book discusses the mutual-help program of recovery for those who have been affected by someone's alcoholism. It includes personal recovery stories. A beginning approach to the Twelve Concepts of Service is also included.


Courage to Change

Courage to Change - One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II - is the second daily reader published by Al-Anon Family Group Headquaters as a companion to the original One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, affectionally known as "ODAT."

The daily meditations, affirmations, and quotes from "One Day at a Time" help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones to help themselves.


Paths to Recovery: Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions and Concepts

From the Introduction: "We have spent our energies trying to get an active alcoholic to stop drinking or otherwise control his or her actions; we may have spent much of our lives struggling with the effects of growing up in an alcoholic home. No matter what our individual situation is, in Al-Anon we discover that we are not alone and that a different way of life is available to us through the Twelve Steps."

Includes a in-depth study of the 12 steps, traditions and concepts.


One Day at a Time in Al-Anon

The original daily reader for members of Al-Anon Family Groups. It contains an encouraging or inspiration message for each day of the year.

The daily meditations, affirmations, and quotes from "One Day at a Time" help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones to help themselves. Al-Anon has an incredible impact on families affected by alcoholism and is a vital part of recovery.


Blueprint for Progress: Al-Anon's Fourth Step Inventory

This revised and expanded workbook has a number of new topics including fear, anger, control, intimacy, sex, finances, and spirituality. Spiral bound and 8 ½ x 11, with room for writing answers. Three-hole punched, so it can fit inside a notebook.

This workbook has been used by many Al-Anon members to help them complete Step 4 of the program.


Al-Anon History

The Lois Wilson Story: When Love is Not Enough

Lois Wilson, the wife of Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder Bill W., knew better than anyone that families, friends, and loved ones of alcoholics are also affected and need informed support and advice.

The Lois Wilson Story: When Love Is Not Enough is both a testament to Wilson's spirit and a guiding light for those whose lives parallel hers.


Lois Remembers

Lois Remembers is the memoirs of the co-founder of Al-Anon Family Groups and wife of Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Lois explains how her passion to bring healing to everyone affected by the family disease of alcoholism brought out the founding of Al-Anon, a support group that offers members a safe place to feel free to say what is in their minds and hearts.


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